Following the expiration of the 1984 Master Plan in December 2017, the site reverted to its base zoning of RMP 2.47 with a 1953 Conditional Use Permit allowing for the academic use. The Marin Countywide Plan designation for the site is MF2 (1-4 units/acre). Expiration of the 1984 Master Plan decoupled the residential component from the academic use, allowing housing and the academic use to operate independently as confirmed by the Marin County Code Enforcement letter dated May 14, 2019:
“The zoning for the property is Residential, Multiple Family Planned (RMP), with various uses designated as principally permitted, conditionally permitted, or prohibited. Renting onsite housing to the general public is a principally permitted use under the RMP zoning. Because the 1984 Master Plan has expired, there is no longer a restriction of renting the housing specifically for the purpose of providing housing for the students, staff and faculty of the Seminary.”
The RMP zoning allows for a base density of 2.47 units per acre, which translates to 249 residential units allowed on the site. The State Density Bonus allows for a maximum of 546 units.
Under the Marin County Planning Code 22.130.030, residences within a licensed senior care facility that provides meal service at least twice a day are not counted as separate residential units, hence the Residential Care Facility is counted as one unit.
The 1953 Conditional Use Permit that governs the academic campus broadly allows for a college/university campus with a maximum student population of approximately 1,000 students. The campus is currently occupied by Olivet University, a tenant that complies with the provisions of the CUP.